About Me
T.E.A training specialises in Training and Education, within the Health and Social Care industry.
I am passionate about learning and development and I am here to help!
Training services can be delivered in a range of ways.
On-Site using care providers own environment (subject to full risk assessment and Covid-19 secure guidelines)
Interactive face to face remote delivery using platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
Fully insured and DBS checked to comply with Health and Safety regulations and Safeguarding policies.

T.E.A Training has got you covered, I am able to offer a range of courses from Mandatory and Specialist courses, to quality Bespoke tailored sessions and Consultancy services that enable you to develop your workforce and promote excellence within your organisation.
Training with Emma Armstrong is personable, and always driven on quality and Impact, be sure to check out my latest reviews on Trustpilot.
What you can expect
Tailored training solutions
Industry experience
Evidenced-based Teaching and Learning
Delivering in line with Local policy and workforce demographics
Boosted recruitment – Learners feel valued in their learning journey and challenged at different levels to maximise learning retention and skills
Improved Compliance – Train the team to maintain the safety of your workforce, the dignity of those in your care and boost your inspection ratings.
What you definitely won't see
Oversubscribed courses
Death by PowerPoint
One size fits all approach - You are unique and should be treated that way!